All Things Asian Blind Dating
Blind dating has long been an important custom for many Asians. Traditionally, Asian families would hire matchmakers to mediate their children’s union.
Today, however, Asian parents no longer meddle in their children’s dating lives. Despite this, the elders’ matchmaking skills have been passed down to the next generation. Some crumbs or patterns of these tendencies are now evident in their practices. As a result, modern Asian singles engage in blind dating.
But first, what’s blind dating?
Blind dating, a.k.a. the modern version of matchmaking, is a pre-arranged romantic meeting set up by a mutual acquaintance of both participants. The term “blind date” refers to a situation where two people go out on a date without ever having met or seen one another before.
True—what works for others may not work for some. But in many cases, blind dates set up by friends usually work because they know their respective friends well. This means there are higher chances of a pair being a great fit or compatible.
Additionally, blind dates arranged by your best mates are ideal as no good friend would deliberately pair you up with a bad person. They would like you to end up with someone great—someone perfect for you.
Significance of Blind Dating in the Modern Era
The custom of letting third parties decide on a love pairing is still alive in many Asian countries. But for most, it has significantly evolved—for the better—in this modern world.
In this fast-paced dating environment where busy Asian professional singles have little time to date, blind dating has come to the rescue. Blind date apps and sites have now been increasingly valuable in getting to know other people IRL.
At the same time, blind dating has been championing the hearts of people who are not yet ready to get into a relationship. It inspires people to be receptive to the idea of dating.
Blind dating also serves as a reminder that other people outside your social circle exist. Those who have lost confidence in themselves or are cynical about the romantic dating shebang have even benefited from it.
But the best and most essential benefit of blind dating? It broadens your perspective naturally. It helps you meet people you wouldn’t consider dating if given a chance, people who are possibly outside your inner circle. Eventually, it ups your chances of meeting your perfect person.
How to Get Blind Dates in Asia
It can be overwhelming to date someone you haven’t met in person—even when you have been talking for months online. But blind dating can, nevertheless, be what your system needs now. This is because it can be both an ego and confidence booster.
That’s better than simply imagining scenarios or missing the thrill of first dates, right?
Whether you’re here to gather great ideas about where to start blind dating or just need that big nudge to decide, this is your sign to just do it! If you’re ready to expand your odds at love through Asian blind dating, below are the prominent and ideal places to try or visit:
1. Online dating platforms
Whether we like to admit it or not, we judge a book by its cover. Online photos of some users on dating platforms give us a clue if a person is outgoing, friendly, or reserved. So, ensuring that your dating profile looks great is the first step you should do.
With a great online dating profile, you can screen online daters without having the need to speak to them—not until you’re ready, at least. Through it, you can also draw the right people and engage in meaningful interactions if you highlight your positive traits and interests.
When building your online dating profile, keep your biography brief and straightforward. Be sure this part of your profile is attention-grabbing! You just have a brief window of time to grab their attention. So, emphasize any best bit about you from the get-go.
Finally, think carefully about what you want others to know about you. Disclosing too much information might potentially work against you.
2. Offline
The way you present yourself online should mirror your character offline. Remember, false information in your profile will dramatically reduce your chances of meeting your perfect match.
Before going on a blind date in Asia, you must try to get to know someone. Let things flow smoothly and oh-so naturally. Talk about everyday things in your life, and avoid being overly inquisitive or sharing too much information about yourself. Don’t go there until you’re sure the person you are blind dating is okay talking about deeply personal stuff.
Being overly aggressive and overwhelming your date with too many questions or excessive news about your personal life on date one may not go well. Keep your cool on your first date; present yourself in the best possible way.
Where to Go to Maximize Your Asian Blind Dating Experience
There isn’t much difference when looking for dates offline or online on Asian dating platforms—it depends on someone’s preference and convenience, after all. Despite the minimal difference, it is nevertheless essential to know how to conduct yourself virtually and traditionally.
1. Government-sponsored dating events
Many countries in Asia, like China and Japan, not just support but also host blind dating activities for singles hoping to find a potential dating partner. On some levels, these blind dating events provide entertainment. Primarily, it aims to lift some countries’ lower birth rates.
These government-sponsored blind dating events typically work as any other blind dating do. It matches singles with potential pairs they haven’t previously met. These activities also assure the participants that the roster of singles joining has decent backgrounds.
2. Web-based dating services
The Asian online and blind dating scene has grown in popularity for the past few decades. As a result, many Asian singles are turning to online dating services such as TrulyAsian to increase their chances of finding love and romance.
TrulyAsian has numerous features that provide a secure and exciting online dating experience. It offers a verification tool that protects your identity and ensures that the account users you talk with online are genuine, not bots.
When you come across a profile user who piques your attention, show interest by clicking the heart button next to their photo. This is known as the Interest Feature. You may also use the Favorite Feature to limit your inbox to people you genuinely like. All that and more are readily available in TrulyAsian.
Date fiercely and freely!
Blind dating in Asia has always been entertaining and helpful since. Without a doubt, there are still some signs of age-old dating nuances lying somewhere, somehow. However, the best part about blind dating in the modern era is that it has been more stimulating and freer this time.