5 Asian Dating Scams You Should Be Aware Of
Scammers are everywhere nowadays, especially on dating sites. Getting more rampant over the years, online Asian dating scams mainly target those who have lonely hearts and deep wallets.
These scammers have caused people who were just looking for love to lose a lot of money and broken hearts.
Fake romance doesn’t only happen in movies and soap operas. It’s adapting with high-technology making it easier for dating scams to reach people and to be executed correctly. This leaves a bad taste for online dating websites.

In Asia, online dating is prevalent, and one of the easiest ways to find friends and lovers. Here, online dating scammers prey on someone they see as lonely and eager to find love. Once they see their prospect, they will then connect and form an emotional bond with this person.
They try to gain their trust, some even going great lengths like sharing their false personal information and sending gifts. After gain that trust, they will inquire how much their prospect is earning and ask for money.

Asian dating scam’s illegal activity may not always seem obvious, but there is only one key not to be scammed, and that to be aware. We cannot avoid scammers online, but we can prevent ourselves from being catfished and falling into their traps.
Because the problem is now widespread, TrulyAsian is helping everyone in the community fight Asian dating scams. Ready your minds, pen and paper, or even bookmark this article on your browser. The following tips are essential if online dating’s your thing.
Mutual Connection
Asian dating scams commonly start with the scammer contacting you either through online dating sites, social media, or email. After that, they will claim that you both have a mutual connection whether a friend or a common interest.
These kinds of people will try their very best to get what they want. They would befriend you, and earn your trust, which is very hard to earn these days. So, imagine how skillful and deceitful these people can be. Such conversations should always be dismissed at once. You also should never add that person on any social media sites to prevent getting scammed.
Intimate Activity
This is another way of scamming, and it’s common in long-distance relationships.
Scammers pretend to be from Asia whose primary targets are western men in Asian dating websites or apps. They add you on multiple social media sites to seem legit in your perspective.
Courtship period ensues between you and the scammer. Then next thing you know, they will request to see you via webcam and perform intimate acts. NEVER give in to these demands. Of course, you won’t see their end as they’ll pretend to have a broken webcam and just want to see you.
When they successfully do this, you’ll find yourself in a blackmailing scheme. The scammer will threaten to spread your “recorded” intimate acts to people you know unless you send them money.
Spelling and Grammar
When someone online, especially in Asian dating websites, claims they come from an English-speaking country or university-educated, but their English and grammar are very poor, then you have yourself a scammer.
Not being judgmental, but it doesn’t take an English degree to spot poorly written sentences in profiles and messages. Always be aware of spelling and grammar mistakes plus inconsistent stories from these predators. They would even profess excessive romantic interest at a very early stage of your communication.

This is definitely an online dating red flag. Hence, one should be wary at all times if something about their English seems off to you.
This one is a bit tricky. If someone’s profile description or message is too tidy and read too well, be suspicious.
Scammers who are much eager to swindle money from people often copy content from other dating profiles to look legit.
A top tip for this kind of scenario is to do your own cut-and-paste. Copy their content and run an internet search on it to see if there are results similar to theirs. If there are, don’t bother replying to their messages or even accept friend requests from these thieves.
Related Article: 10 Best Dating Profile Tips to Score You A Date in Asia

Weird Links
Have you ever seen shady ads on websites that say “get rich in seconds” or “want to get bigger?” Chances are, you’ll be redirected shady websites and ads if you happen to click the links on a scammer’s profile/messages.
While legit users post links to their favorite artists, sports teams or interests, scammers do otherwise. They fill their dating profiles with links that are weird enough when you read their URL. You may even be looking at X-rated websites, isn’t that weird enough?
Double Time
Here comes the creepiest part. After just a few weeks of constant communication along with their professed feelings for you, scammers will do everything to accelerate the “romance” you have with them. They would shower you with heaps of compliments and beautiful words that would sound too cheesy.

Scammers also share stories of their lives they claim they never shared with anyone else but you. If that’s scary to you, wait until they start to ask for money. It could be an outrageous made-up story of a family member involved in an accident or them being robbed and needed money from you to be transferred right away.
If money starts to get involved, leave your chat room and block that person.
As experts say, prevention is better than cure. All these tips that TrulyAsian laid out will be helpful when online Asian dating scams come your way. These will surely prevent you from entertaining scammers and most notably, a broken heart. Double-checking dating profiles will take nothing from you. It will only save you from spending time and money over a scammer that deserves no attention from you