Long-Distance Relationship Tips That Work!
Even in Asia, the idea of a long-distance relationship is nothing new. They have never, however, been simple for any pair. It’s challenging because you lose one of the core aspects of being a couple: physical intimacy.
We understand that a long-distance romance needs hard work and patience. Hence, our long-distance relationship tips below should help you navigate through the intricate world of LDR dating.
What Long-Distance Relationships Does To You
Before we go through the long-distance relationship tips we got you, let’s first break down the effects of LDR. After which, let’s take a look at how it affects couples and the dynamics of their relationship.
1. Feeling FOMO
FOMO, or fear of missing out, is anxiety frequently sparked by social media posts. It typically arises out of fear that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening somewhere that you’re not in it. A great example is seeing photos of a family member celebrating their engagement and feeling left out because you’re away.
In a distance relationship, FOMO is all too real. Spending milestones and other important moments away from each other aren’t the same. No amount of gifts and plans to video call match the feeling of being physically together for that special day.
2. Lonely hearts club—for the meantime
Although your partner’s emotional and psychological presence is much appreciated, there’s still something about being physically near them. It makes love more comforting.
The loneliness can be quite overwhelming, so try to hang on. You are not alone; that, we can assure you.
3. Growing insecurities
All of us are curious about our partners’ whereabouts and activities. Although frustrating, insecurities are regrettably unavoidable. That momentary feeling of panic when you wonder what your partner is doing? We have been there. Some of us are even still there!
That unnecessary panic sets off our biggest insecurities. Questions unavoidably bug your mind as you wonder how your significant other is doing:
Will your love be ever enough for them?
What if your partner is being unfaithful to you?
What if they’ll no longer need you when you’re together?
4. Jealous-ville
The green-eyed monster inside of you grows as your insecurities increase. If concern is Cinderella, then jealousy is the evil stepsister. It’s totally normal to feel jealous then and now. But persistent paranoia coupled with jealousy? Alarm the situation and display the red flag!
Seriously, it’s not good for you to let envy rule your emotions. Don’t wait for your relationship to be torn apart by it.
Great Long-Distance Relationship Tips That Actually Work!
The pandemic has physically separated couples away from each other for quite some time. It left them yearning for each other’s physical presence and craving physical intimacy.
If you’re one of those couples separated by the pandemic, you’ll be fine! If you survived it then, why shouldn’t you be able to survive a long-distance relationship now?
But, if the anxiety of having to live miles apart has been bothering you, we’ve got you covered! We have some straightforward advice that you can use.
1. Leverage technology
Communication is one of the cornerstones of a great long-distance relationship. Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? That aspect has thankfully become far less stressful thanks to technology.
Even if you don’t use sophisticated ideas from the idea factory, make an effort in the communication area. A quick FaceTime chat where you both talk about how your days went counts for something. Or, sending each other pictures of what you’re doing via Whatsapp also helps.
2. Add a few surprises in
Your long-distance relationship doesn’t have to be sad or dull. Who says fun and spice don’t mesh well?
Add some surprises to keep things interesting between the two of you! Whatever the surprise is, it doesn’t matter as long as it comes from the heart.
You might want to send them a delivery of their favorite flowers to let them know they’re still on your mind. You can also give them a sweet care package to let them feel your love while you are apart. Scheduling Zoom dates here and then will also be deeply appreciated.
3. Have some “me” time
It’s unhealthy to spend every single time with your beau or call them each time they have a break. While the long-distance relationship stinks, take this time as an opportunity to take some “me time.”
Revisit the hobbies you used to enjoy or look for another one you’ve always wanted to try. This may run from reading a classical novel you’ve long been postponing. Or finally starting an artwork you’ve always hoped to learn.
Developing a hobby at this phase of your life can also be an advantage. You get to talk about something new the next time you FaceTime each other.
4. Embrace vulnerability
Don’t be afraid to discuss your relationship-related fears— it’s perfectly normal! There are still crumbs of jealousy and insecurities in even the most idyllic relationships.
While talking about your jealousy and insecurities can be a hit-and-miss affair, addressing the elephant in the room is essential. Simply ensure you have the appropriate time and space to get everything out in the open. Make sure it doesn’t seem to be an ambush if you want to gain anything significant.
5. Remind yourselves why you guys had to do LDR
Yes, long-distance relationships are time-consuming. But that doesn’t indicate that the arrangement is set in stone and unchangeable. Hold on to your hope that one day the distance will vanish completely. All the enduring and waiting will be worthwhile when that day comes.
Is a long-distance relationship worth it?
A long-distance relationship shouldn’t be overly demanding! As cliché as it may sound, love transcends all barriers, including zip boundaries and time zones.
As you wait for your lovely reunion, may the tips we gathered for you help bridge the gap. Best of luck!